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2016 Call for Industry and Academic Collider Faculty Advisors


UC Berkeley Seeking Nominations for the 2016-17 Innovation Collider Advisors:

Industry, Venture, and Academic Faculty Leaders and Experts Desired

At UC Berkeley, the Innovation Collider is our newest model to encourage applied research, entrepreneurial activity, and new venture teams.

The Innovation Collider is hosted at the newly constructed, purpose-built space of the Sutardja Center at California Memorial Stadium. Already, the Collider program has resulted in outcome predictions via medical data, new Fintech/Blockchain teams, and a redesign project for Amazon’s supply chain.

To increase the scale and impact of the Collider program, we are seeking nominations of entrepreneurial industry leaders, insightful venture investors, and academic faculty at UC Berkeley to jointly advise on the development of these next generation of projects.

Innovation Collider projects are intended to lead directly to industry innovation, new ventures, societal impact, skill development and notable opportunities for students.

Ideal advisors should have a track record of industry and new venture success, deep expertise in a related technology, and world-class insight in at least one of the emerging areas listed below:

Sutardja Center’s What’s Next Watchlist — Emerging Areas to Watch for 2016-17:

  • Healthcare + Data / Cognitive Technology
  • Cybersecurity and Encryption
  • Data+Cognitive Technology+Enterprise
  • Drones and Robotics
  • Connected Cars
  • 3D Printing, Digital Manufacturing, and Verification
  • Fintech, Transactions, and Blockchain
  • Education and Training + IT/Data
  • Collaboration, Workspace, possibly with Virtual Reality
  • Media+Brands+Retail and Data/Cognitive Technology
  • Food Sustainability and Meat Alternatives
  • Neurological Disease Prevention
  • Broadband and 5G Infrastructure

The first six Industry and Faculty Advisors will be selected in Fall 2016.  Each Advisor will act as the designated expert for one of the Watchlist topics listed above.  Advisors will be responsible for problem definition and 6 advisory sessions with their expert teams for a total approximate commitment of 15 hours during the academic year.

Please forward your nominations or a self-statement of interest to Ikhlaq Sidhu, SCET Chief Scientist and Founding Director at